Lauching of the ABCD version 1.0

3 December 2009


BIREME/PAHO/WHO is pleased to invite for the official launching of the system ABCD version 1.0, to be carried out on 3 December 2009, of the 14:30h to the 17:00h, in the amphitheater enclosed the Hospital São Paulo, Rua Napoleão de Barros, 737 15th floor, Vila Clementino, São Paulo, SP, Brazil

The ABCD is a system oriented to the on-line automation in the Web of the processes, work flows, functions, products, and information services from libraries, documentation and information centers.   ABCD belongs to the ISIS software family for the storage and retrieval of textual and structured information, with focus in bibliographic sources of information and associated services.   It is multilingual, generalized, and configurable, with capacity to provide the automation of all types of library and documentation centers. 

The development, maintenance, and distribution of ABCD will follow the modality of free and open source software, under the coordination of BIREME, supported by the Consortium of Universities of Flanders (VLIR/UOS - Flemish University Development Co-Operation), in the context of the project Docbiblas (Development of and Capacity Building in ISIS Based Library Automation Systems) and of the community ISIS of users and developers.  The project has the voluntary collaboration of over 40 professionals of 18 countries, users of the software ISIS that was originally developed and maintained by the International Labor Organization (the ILO) in the years 60 and subsequently by the Organization of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO).  This launching gives continuity to cooperation of the BIREME with UNESCO since the 1980s in the development of the version ISIS for microcomputers, with highlight for the development of the library CISIS and of the systems ISIS for the Web.

Transfer of technology
As a Part of the activities, a series of workshops and trainings for the technological transfer with exclusiveness for BIREME technical collaborators will be carry out in this same week, previous and after the international Launching of ABCD: 

 - 30 November - 01 December, Introduction to ABCD.  Agenda [in Portuguese]
02 - 03 December, Workshop ABCD.   Agenda [in Portuguese]
04 December, Workshop Introduction to EMPWEB.   Agenda [in Portuguese]
07 - 08 December, Workshop EMPWEB. Agenda [in Portuguese]

BIREME has been publishing the steps for system development in the WIKI/Track in the ABCD site

Information for reference

Newsletter BVS 093 05/Oct/2009
ABCD/ISIS System is assessed by experts in Buenos Aires

Newsletter BVS 089 27/May/2009
ABCD system for library automation is reviewed during international workshop

Newsletter BVS 084 24/Oct/2008
World congress points major changes in the future development of the ISIS

BVS-Agenda - V2.0
2008 | BIREME - Centro Latino Americano e do Caribe em Informação em Ciências da Saúde