Lauching of the ABCD version 1.0

3 December 2009


Thursday, December 03, 2009
14:30 - 14:50


Anfiteatro do anexo Hospital São Paulo
Rua Napoleão de Barros, 737 15º andar
Vila Clementino, São Paulo, SP
14:50 - 15:05

Why ABCD ?

  • Head of Project VLIR/USO/Docbiblas, Flemish University Development Co-Operation, Development Of and Capacity Building in ISIS Based Library Automation Systems Project (Docbiblas)  - Belgium
15:05 - 16:20

The ABCD: an overview

16:20 - 16:35

ABCD e o ISIS NBP: the development in network

  • Manager, Information Methodologies and Technologies , BIREME/PAHO/WHO
16:35 - 17:00

ABCD and the ISIS NBP: towards future

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BVS-Agenda - V2.0
2008 | BIREME - Centro Latino Americano e do Caribe em Informação em Ciências da Saúde