Introduce the aims of the NECOBELAC (Network of Collaboration Between Europe and Latin American Caribbean Countries) project:
• create awareness in scientific writing and open access publication model and foster
cooperation between LAC countries and Europe;
• explain the use of conceptual maps for training;
• point out cultural differences, receive feedback from participants who will be
future local trainers.
Representatives of selected institutions in LAC countries, who will be future trainers according to the NECOBELAC strategy.
The course is addressed to people who are already aware of the issues at stake, so discussion/feedback from participants will be an important part of the program.
Official Languages Spanish, Portuguese
Teachers NECOBELAC partners:
Carlos Agudelo, Instituto de Salud Pública, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (ISP)
Paola De Castro, Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS)
Reme Melero, Consejo Superior de Investigación Científica (CSIC)
Eloy Rodrigues, Universidade do Minho (UMINHO)
Participants: 30
Evaluation Continuous feedback during the course and questionnaire
Rua Botucatu, 862
Vila Clementino
São Paulo (Brazil)
Please write to necobelac.saopaulo@bireme.org (55 11 5576-9872)
State your name, role, institution/agency and confirm that you intend to cascade the course information onwards in support of scientific writing and the growth of Open Access to Health Care information.
Deadline: March 15, 2010
Acceptance will be communicated by March 20, 2010
Attendance is free, with attendees only having to pay their own travel and accommodation costs. Attendants will receive training materials and a Certificate allowing them to replicate NECOBELAC training at local level.