Copy of the report published in MLA bulletin

The 1st Regional Coordination Meeting of the Virtual Health Library and the VII Meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Information System
was held at the Pan American Health Organization in Washington, D.C. from November 30 - December 3, 1999

At a previous meeting held in Costa Rica, in March 1998. (Pan American Congress on Health Sciences Information - CRICS IV), it was agreed that the countries in the Pan American region whose health libraries participate in the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Information System would deepen their cooperation through building a virtual health library.

Librarians, health information and human services professionals gathered at the Pan American Health Organization Headquarters to attend this first meeting to evaluate the development of activities towards the Virtual Health Library in our countries and to discuss and highlight issues and challenges towards this end.

The health libraries and information units of Latin America and the Caribbean have been cooperating for many years in the organisation and dissemination of the scientific research output in our counties. Much of the coordination for the health related literature is carried out by BIREME which is the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information located in Sao Paulo, Brazil.


At this meeting, it was obvious that the countries are in various stages of development, however there was much encouragement to be had and experiences shared. Contributions were received from countries such as Uruguay, Cuba, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Colombia, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, and from the English-speaking Caribbean, including Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago. It is always a very interesting experience to interact with colleagues from so many diverse countries yet to recognise that many of our concerns are similar, sometimes only different in cultural perspective or magnitude. In addition to country representatives, staff members from the Pan American Health Organization country offices and specialized Centres were present.

The languages of the countries engaged in this collaborative effort are Portuguese, English and Spanish. Some colleagues speak all or two of these languages. All are comfortable in at least Spanish or English. Consequently, there was simultaneous translation at the meetings in English and Spanish.

Nonetheless we do manage to communicate. My roommate Ellsen Lombo was from Venezuela and we got along very well. The participants also enjoyed each others company and culture at a celebration dinner and dance at a Peruvian restaurant "Cuzco".

The Opening session featured a welcome address by Sir George Alleyne, the Director of PAHO who stressed the need for cooperation in the venture and who encouraged the use of health information towards equity and the public good at the global level.

A discourse on the VHL concept and the democratization of knowledge

and health information was presented by Alberto Pellegrini Filho, Coordinator of HDR/HDP at PAHO. The empowerment of citizens including increasing knowledge of health determinants and possible solutions to health problems were highlighted. During the following three days of the meetings and conferences, we heard excellent and timely presentations from distinguished commentators:

The quality of health information on the Internet from David Rodbard of the American Institutes for Research, U.S.A.;

Evidence based medicine from Fernando Althabe CLAP/PAHO Chile

The VHL and equity in health from Juan Antonio Casas Director of HDP/PAHO;

Telemedicine presented by Daniel Sigulem CIS/UNIFESP, of Brazil

Many of the participants visited the National Library of Medicine where we were addressed by the Director, Dr Donald A. B. Lindberg and viewed the impressive interactive exhibit about asthma "Breath of Life". We were amazed at the testimonials of famous persons who suffer from this ailment. It was interesting to see such diverse faces of asthma such as Che Guevera, Jackie Joyner-Kersee and Elizabeth Taylor.

Our colleagues from Cuba invited us to join them at

CRICS 5 The V Regional Congress on Health Sciences Information planned for April 25-27 2001 and the

II Regional Meeting of the

Virtual Health Library coordination and

VIII Regional Meeting of the Latin American and

Caribbean System on Health Sciences Information

April 23-24 2001

At the

Palacio de las Convenciones

La Habana, Cuba.

The main theme will be

Knowledge to change:

information and knowledge for health equity

  • Knowledge society and equity
  • Information, knowledge and decision making
  • Knowledge management in society
  • Education, knowledge and development
  • Scientific knowledge production and communication
  • Information technologies and knowledge management and
The Virtual Health Library as health knowledge base in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Congress will be sponsored by Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba


For information about this upcoming meeting, you are free to contact

We were also invited to converge on London from July 2- 5, 2000.

by the amiable Tony McSean of the British Medical Association and Chair of the 8ICML Organising Committee. Tony was a keen participant at each session and did a little strip tease, NOT THE FULL MONTY to reveal his 8TH ICML T-shirt as he made his presentation.


All participants were high in praise for the excellent organisation of Mr Abel Laerte Packer, the Director of BIREME and his excellent team. We were all pleased to hear the announcement that the 9th ICML will be hosted in Sao Paulo Brazil and look forward to our international colleagues joining us there in the Year 2005.

Ernesta Greenidge AHIP
Medical Sciences Library
The University of the West Indies
Trinidad and Tobago

